This is meant as a guidance to to quickly treat tricky stains. We cannot guarantee that the result will remove the stains 100%.

How to remove deodorant stains from wool?

  1. Soak the spot in a vinegar solution (1/3 household vinegar, 2/3 lukewarm water) and leave it for 2-3 hours.
  2. Wash the shirt in the washing machine with wool detergent at 30°C delicate wash.

You can avoid these stains by not using too much deodorant and make sure that you use aluminum-free or low-aluminum deodorant.

How to remove black coffee stains from wool?

  1. If it just happened, immediately rinse under cold running water.
  2. If the stain has dried, dab the stain from edge to center with a clean absorbent cloth soaked in a mixture of 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda + 1 cup lukewarm water.
  3. If the stain doesn't disappear, dab the area with a solution of 3 parts rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl), plus 1 part cold water.
  4. Rinse the stain and wash the shirt in the washing machine with wool detergent at 30°C delicate wash.

How to remove grease stains from wool?

  1. First, remove all excess grease/oil
  2. Dab the stain from edge to center with a clean absorbent cloth soaked in white spirit. Soak up the stain as much as possible and let it dry. When it persists, repeat it.
  3. Wash the shirt in the washing machine with wool detergent at 30°C delicate wash.

How to remove red wine stains or fruit juice from wool?

  1. First, blot the stain with a clean cloth and rinse as much as possible with clean water.
  2. Dab the stain as soon as possible with a solution of 3 parts rubbing alcohol (Isopropyl), plus 1 part cold water. 
  3. If the stain persists cover it with an absorbent pad soaked with the mixture and leave to work. Replace as needed until the stain has disappeared.
  4. Rinse the stain and wash the garment in the washing machine with wool detergent at 30°C delicate wash.

How to remove blood stains from wool?

  1. Gently dab the bloodstain from edge to center with household vinegar and rinse with cold water.
  2. Wash the shirt in the washing machine with wool detergent at 30°C delicate wash.